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Abandoned Hospital

This specific photo could easily be mistaking for many things; an old school, mall, hospital or even a community centre. It appeared to be vacant for some time, examining the surroundings; the boarded-up windows, outgrown shrubs, chipped paint and faded graffiti. This landmark is known as the abandoned Psychiatric Hospital that holds a lot of history among the city of as it has been located on a large plot of land on Highbury avenue since the late 1800 hundreds (Obscura, 2017). It was reborn into many things by new organizations, all relating back to hospitals and mental health institutions, for 144 years. People tend to associate hospitals or psychiatric establishments, as places of fear, death, crazy, haunting or many other mysterious qualities. There have been many unseen or explainable events that have occurred in one of many buildings on site which can leave people with a creepy essence. Although these conspiracies will never go away when interacting with a spooky setting. This establishment here has recently been bought out for 17 million dollars by a local developer in hopes of securing a new foundation with the intentions of providing jobs for many people in town (Global News, 2019). They are using this ancient abandoned building for the grounds of their new plans, however the stories and history of the place will always remain.