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Nova Craft Canoe

In this photo, it captures the long overdue factory that still lies upon the sheltered streets of Nightingale, on the East end of London. The rustic skyscraper in the midst of an industrial area, is surrounded by junk, barbwire fences, broken windows and forbidden signs. This specific ruin may give off haunting vibes due to its questionable aesthetics, artifacts or even its daunting history. Doing some investigation this factory currently as of 2021 still offers a canoe store on the first floor however the remainder of the building is still considered abandoned (Crossfire, 2002). For many past years, it was the largest building in the city and unfortunately some may associate it for the traumatic event that took place within the walls many years ago… In 1994 three firefighters were found killed from a dust explosion on the upper half of the buildings (Crossfire, 2002).  After this unfortunate occurrence, it still stands tall, yet half empty to share its story, be a reminder to some and continue to ponder as the city evolves.


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