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The Blue House


Located directly admits the busy streets of London Ontario, along many new and old occupations on Dundas street, was a beaten-up driveway which engraved the boarded up blue house. It is pretty hard to miss the bright, yet poor conditions of the landmark and question as to what stories lie among it. Which made me think back to the short story about curiosity in Beauty and the Decay as it discusses how rational it is for one entering into a space to ensure it is a space to what they make it (Curiosity, 2011). Meaning they are turning off auto pilot to fully embrace the experience, taking everything into consideration while exploring and being mindful of the artifacts, as they often reveal information about its past. In these circumstances, this building appeared like it was an old store, or even someone’s house at one point. There are a lot of unknown truths in regard to this location as there could be much more to this pace than it appears with the hidden secrets that linger upon it.

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